World Pulmonary Hipertension Day

Asociación Nacional de Hipertensión Pulmonar

National Association of pulmonary hypertension (ANHP) is a charity, non-profit, denominational and apolitical, whose purpose is the training, assistance and advice to the pulmonary hypertensive. Founded in the year 2004 and declared of public utility in November 2008.

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Día Mundial de la Hipertensión Pulmonar

First celebration of the WPHD

The recognition and declaration of a World Pulmonary Hypertension Day is a step forward in the consolidation of worldwide PH awareness. World PH Day will focus on the importance of improving the quality of life and life expectancy of more than 25 million people living with PH worldwide.

Pulmonary Hypertension is a fatal disease that is difficult to diagnose. There are many types of PH, including idiopathic and hereditary PH, which are registered rare diseases in the Spanish Registry of Rare Diseases. However, PH is most common as a result of other health problems. May 5 is a significant day for the PH community because it marks the first pediatric PH death in Spain as a result of toxic cooking oil; this child died more than 30 years ago.

Regardless of its etiology, PH is defined as an increase in blood pressure in the pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins or pulmonary capillaries, together known as the lung vasculature. It is a severe disease with a markedly decreased exercise tolerance that leads to heart failure.


During the celebration of WPHD the patients’ organizations will launch messages on the need to:

  • Increase awareness and disseminate knowledge of the disease to facilitate early diagnosis. Early diagnosis is important in decreasing premature PH related deaths.
  • Promote access to specific healthcare and treatments that increase quality of life and life expectancy.
  • Promote the concept of treating PH patients as a whole, which includes treating their physical, psychological and social issues.
  • Unify international criteria for the recognition of Centers of Excellence in PH.
  • Promote research that will help find a cure for PH.

ANHP is currently working to get a Declaration of Health Interest by the Spanish Ministry of Health as well as “curricular credits” for the Spanish physicians attending the Symposium.

World Day Program Pulmonary Hypertension
May 4 2012
Afternoon Scientific Symposium on PH
Afternoon ANHP General Assembly
May 5 2012
Morning Scientific Symposium on PH
Afternoon Official ceremony of the First WPHD Celebration
Gala cocktail

Scientific Symposium




Official Ceremony

Speech Ceremony


World Pulmonary Hypertension Day endorsed by

Patients’ Organizations


PHA Europa (22 patients’ organizations)


PHA EEUU (235 patients’ support groups)

Sociedad Latina

SLHP (19 patients’ organizations)


PHA Japan


PHA Canada

PHA-Arabia Saudí

PHA Saudi Arabia

PHA Sudáfrica

PHA South Africa

PHA Eslovaquia

PHA Slovakia

PHA Israel

PHA Israel

PHA Norway

PHA Norway

PHA Sweden

PHA Sweden

Federación Paraguaya de HP

Paraguayan Federation of Hypertension

PHA Poland

PHA Poland

Fundación Venezolana de Hipertensión Pulmonar

Venezuelan Foundation for Pulmonary Hipertension

PHA Hungary

PHA Hungary

PHA Latvia

PHA Latvia

PHA Italy

PHA Italy (I)

PHA Húngara

Hungarian Society of respiratory patients

PHA Australia

PHA Australia

de Afectados de Hipertensión Pulmonar

Affected Association Pulmonary Hypertension

Fundación Contra la Hipertensión Pulmonar

Foundation Against Pulmonary Hypertension

HP Argentina

PHA Argentina

Other organizations

Federación Eslovaca

Slovak Federation for Rare Diseases


State Reference Center for Rare Diseases

Instituto Carlos III

Instituto Carlos III



National Organization for Rare Disorders

National Organization for Rare Disorders

Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases

Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases

European Lung Foundation

European Lung Foundation

Spanish Patients Forum

Spanish Patients Forum

Geiser Foundation

Geiser Foundation

Scleroderma Foundation

Scleroderma Foundation

Scientific Societies

American Thoracic Society

American Thoracic Society

Sociedad de Cardiología Eslovaca

Slovak Society of Cardiology

Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica

Spanish Society of Pulmonology

Sociedad Española de Cardiología

Spanish Society of Cardiology

Sociedad Española de Reumatología

Spanish Society of Rheumatology

European Respiratory Society

European Respiratory Society

Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna

Spanish Society of Internal Medicine

Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria

Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine




Bayer (Platinum)


Lilly (Gold)


Pfizer (Silver)


Actelion (Silver)


gsk (Bronze)


Ferrer (Bronze)

United Therapeutics

United Therapeutics (Bronze)


Comité de Honor
Excma. Sra Ana Mato Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad Minister
Dr. Gerald Simonneau Hospital Antoine Béclère Head of Dept of Pneumology and ICU National Reference Center for Pulmonary Hypertension South Paris University
Sr. Gerald Fischer PHA Europe President
Dr. Lewis Rubin Profesor Emérito de Medicina
Sr. Rino Aldrighetti PHA President
Sra. Migdalia Denis SLAHP President
Dr. Nazareno Galiè Universidad de Bolonia Professor of Cardiology
Sr. Noriko Murakami PHA Japan President
Sra. Monica Fletcher European Lung Foundation Chair
Dr. Majdi M. Idrees SAPH President
Mr. Denneys Niemandt PHA South Africa Chairman
Comité Científico
Dr. Miguel Ángel Gómez Sánchez Hospital 12 de Octubre Cardiologist
Dra. Pilar Morales Hospital La Fe de Valencia, Unidad de Trasplante Pulmonologist
Dra. Dolores Nauffal Manzur Responsable Unidad Hipertensión Pulmonar Hospital de la Fe Pulmonologist
Dr. Adolfo Baloira Villar Complejo Hospitalario de Pontevedra Pulmonologist
Dr. Miguel García Ribes Coordinador Genética Clínica y Enfermedades Raras de SemFYC Primary Healthcare MD
Dra. Pilar Escribano Subías Coordinadora Unidad Interdisciplinar 12 de Octubre Cardiologist
Dra. Mª Jesús del Cerro Hospital La Paz Pediatric Cardiologist
Dra. María Jesús Castillo Palma Grupo de investigación Colagenosis Hospital Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla Internal Medicine
Dra. Paloma García De La Peña Hospital Ramón & Cajal Rheumatologist
Dr. Jaime Morales Blanhir Director Dpto. Circulación Pulmonar ALAT Pulmonologist
Sr. Daniel López Unidad de rehabilitación Cardio-respiratoria Hospital Dr. Negrín Physiotherapist
Sra. Esperanza Sánchez Gómez Enfermera PAC Cambre Nurse